Cologne, August 14, 2023 - In times of increasing severe weather events, the safety of people outdoors is increasingly at risk. A siren thunderstorm warning system for medium and large open spaces prevents such dangers. This fully automatic and absolutely reliable system makes it possible to react to actual lightning strikes in the area with the highest precision and to issue location-dependent warnings, alarms and all-clears.
The core feature of the patented system is its ability to receive live coordinate data of lightning events in real time. This data is recorded and passed on by the most modern lightning detection system for thunderstorms from Siemens AG. As soon as the system detects lightning near, for example, an outdoor swimming pool, other sports facilities, industrial sites or other open spaces, a warning is immediately triggered. This enables people who are outdoors to immediately go to places protected from lightning.
The location-dependent functionality of the system enables targeted communication. Warnings, alarms and all-clears are sent specifically to people in vulnerable areas, increasing the effectiveness of protective measures.
Our siren thunderstorm warning system in combination with an app represents a significant step towards outdoor safety," says Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Schmitz, company founder at Coptr Population-kommunikationssysteme GmbH. "It is an example of the application of cutting-edge technology to protect people from potentially dangerous weather conditions."
We cordially invite the editorial teams to find out more about the siren thunderstorm warning system at https://www.coptr.de / thunderstorm warning systems to explore and report on it. The focus is on raising public awareness of the importance of preventative measures and outdoor safety precautions during thunderstorms.